
124th Czech Rectors Conference Plenum Meeting (CRC Annual Assembly)

Střítež close to Jihlava, 21 February 2014 PDF

Czech Rectors Conference (CRC) Plenum adopted at its 124th Meeting, CRC Annual Assembly, following resolution:

  1. CRC Plenum elected by secret ballot Prof. Tomáš Zima, Rector of Charles University in Prague, as new President of the Czech Rectors Conference.
  2. CRC supports preparation of the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education and appeals for taking into account the previous negative experience with implementation of existing operational programmes, particularly in the area of public procurement, with setting the rules of drawing and withdrawing subsidies (deductibility of expenses, for example), and with the issue of public support. CRC strongly urges to remove the existing imbalance in drawing of higher education institutions based in Prague and those based outside of Prague.
  3. CRC welcomes beginning of dialogue with new management of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, including debate on the amendment to the Higher Education Act.
  4. CRC calls on the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for swift joint meetings to discuss limits for the year 2014 to the number of students admitted to long Master's degree programmes.
  5. CRC has initiated dialogue with the Deputy Prime Minister for Science, Research and Innovation on financing and evaluation of science, the Research, Development and Innovation Council conception and operational programmes matters.
  6. CRC Plenum instructs the CRC Presidium to explore possibilities of the CRC as a legal entity.
  7. CRC Plenum instructs the CRC Presidium to discuss changes to those parts of the CRC Statutes that are related to the CRC membership and to submit a proposal of these changes at the next meeting of the CRC Plenum.
  8. CRC observes with extreme concern development of the situation in Ukraine and appeals for the Government of the Czech Republic to take all possible steps leading to respect for human rights and freedoms and fundamental principles of democracy in Ukraine.

Střítež close to Jihlava, 21 February 2014

On behalf of the Czech Rectors Conference

Prof. Dr. Tomáš Zima

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