
164th Czech Rectors Conference Plenum Meeting (CRC Annual Assembly)

Brno, 17 February 2022 PDF

Czech Rectors Conference (CRC) Plenum adopted at its 164th Meeting, CRC Annual Assembly, the following resolution:

  1. CRC has appreciated the fact that the Government of the Czech Republic, when compiling the budget for 2022, has complied with the commitment to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the amount of funds for public HEIs, both in the field of educational activities and in the field of support for science, research and innovation.
  2. CRC will continue to actively cooperate with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports on the amendment of the Higher Education Act, the aim of which is to streamline the educational process and strategic management of HEIs. One of the important priorities for the CRC is the doctoral studies issue, which is essential for the further development of the Czech HEIs competitiveness.
  3. CRC draws attention to the very problematic issue of visas to foreign applicants for studies at Czech HEIs. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on mobility worldwide, and it is therefore necessary to make the Student regime more efficient in connection with the dismantling of anti-epidemic measures.
  4. CRC appreciates the supportive attitude of the Government of the Czech Republic in the issue of compensating HEIs costs associated with staff testing.
  5. In the CRC by-elections, the Rector of VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Prof. Václav Snášel, was elected to fill the vacant position of the CRC Vice-President for creative activities for the term of office from 1 March 2022 to 31 July 2023.

Brno, 17 February 2022

On behalf of the Czech Rectors Conference

Prof. Martin Bareš

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