176th Czech Rectors Conference Plenum Meeting
Brno, 6 June 2024
Czech Rectors Conference (CRC) Plenum adopted at its 176th Meeting the following resolution:
- CRC supports the request of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) to increase the state budget expenditures for educational activity in the area of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) for the year 2025 by CZK 6 billion. It considers the proposed financial resources to be the bare minimum for maintaining the quality and the scope of the currently implemented educational activity. CRC states that this amount only compensates for inflationary development and only partially reflects the share of funding of public higher education that is common in the EU countries. It reminds at the same time of the necessity of the sustainable pro-growth budget of higher education in the medium- and long-term horizon, without which public and state HEIs will not be able to effectively plan and ensure quality education, which is key to their competitiveness in the international context.
- CRC invites the MEYS to continue the discussion on the Ministry's announced comprehensive solution to indicators A and K. The basis of further discussion must be concretely formulated priorities for the following period both in the area of social demand and in other proposed indicators/areas. Possible adjustment of financing parameters is possible only in the case of a pro-growth budget.
- CRC is ready to conduct a dialogue in the close cooperation with the MEYS and the Council of Higher Education Institutions on the appropriate amendments to the Higher Education Act aimed at adjusting a balanced distribution of powers and responsibilities in the management of HEIs and other self-governing higher education authorities.
Brno, 6 June 2024
On behalf of the Czech Rectors Conference
Prof. Milena Králíčková