of the Czech Rectors Conference Presidium on the Higher Education Act Draft Amendment
Czech Rectors Conference Presidium adopted the following resolution on the Higher Education Act draft amendment, which is a part of the Labour Code draft amendment:
Czech Rectors Conference disagrees with the proposed Higher Education Act amendment, which was ineffectively annexed to a proposal amending the Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code, as amended, as well as some other laws. This proposal was rejected by the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic on December 20, 2018, and will be reintroduced at the 26th meeting of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic commencing on January 22, 2019.
The proposal concerning academic staff working hours has not been discussed with representations of higher education institutions although it has a significant impact on existing practice and internal legislation of higher education institutions, and in its consequences, endangers the quality of study at higher education institutions as it substantially weakens academic staff obligation to be present at their workplaces.
On behalf of the Czech Rectors Conference Presidium
Prof. Dr. Tomáš Zima
Czech Rectors Conference President