of the Czech Rectors Conference on Security Situation in the Czech Republic
Czech Rectors Conference is following with deep concern and apprehension the current information regarding the security situation in our country, which points at unprecedented risks of the security of our state and our society. We consider any activities of foreign states or forces of these states, the aim of which is to endanger the Czech Republic, its security and its citizens or to undermine its democratic institutions or weaken values and principles such as democracy and freedom, completely inadmissible.
As representatives of the Czech Republic HEIs, we therefore appeal to the highest political representatives of our country and the responsible state authorities to take the current situation very seriously and to solve it without any delay, with regard to the demonstrably deteriorating security situation and commitments to our allies.
We also believe that the current situation shows that the activities of the state in the field of security, security forces and the armed forces require an increasing degree of specialization and high expertise in many areas. HEIs of the Czech Republic have excellent capacities and quality infrastructures for education and research, are involved in international exchange academic networks and are ready to prepare and develop new specialized study programs focused on security in cooperation, so they can help respond flexibly to the current situation and acute needs of the security and defense communities of the Czech Republic.
Therefore, as representatives of HEIs, we are ready to have a debate with the representatives of our state about these issues and about forms of cooperation that would strengthen our country's security, including more effective cooperation with our allies, and defend more efficiently the values and principles on which the Czech Republic is based on.
The findings of the National Headquarters against Organized Crime and the Security Information Service of the Czech Republic must be the essential factor in making decisions how wide the boundaries of our cooperation with foreign authoritarian powers will be. We call on state institutions to take systemic measures to prevent the repetition of similar acts of state terrorism. At the same time, we consider any contempt for the recommendations of the security and intelligence services of the Czech Republic inadmissible.
Prague, 19 April 2021
On behalf of the Czech Rectors Conference
Prof. Petr Sklenička