167th CRC Plenum Meeting in Prague hosted by Charles University.

6 – 7 October 2022 PDF


  1. Opening of the 167th CRC Plenum Meeting.
  2. Discussion with the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports and with the Minister of Science, Research and Innovation, with the participation of Rectores Emeriti, on current Issues of Higher Education, Science and Research in the Czech Republic.
  3. Social Meeting with Rectores Emeriti, former CRC Members.
  4. Parallel Meetings of CRC Chambers.
  5. Discussion with the Deputy Ministers of the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports and with the President of the Higher Education Institutions Council on Actual Problems of Higher Education of the Czech Republic.
  6. Information about Charles University.
  7. CRC President, Vice-Presidents and Secretary General Reports; CRC Chambers Presidents Reports.
  8. Miscellaneous. Preparation of the 167th CRC Plenum Meeting Resolution.
  9. Resolution of the 167th CRC Plenum Meeting. Conclusion.
  10. Press Conference.

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