93rd CRC Plenum Meeting at the International Baptist Theological Seminary of the European Baptist Federation, o.p.s., in Prague.

6 December 2007
  • Main programme topics:
  1. Information about the International Baptist Theological Seminary of the European Baptist Federation, o.p.s.
  2. CRC President, Vice-Presidents and Secretary General Reports.
  3. Private Higher Education Institutions Position within the Terciary Education Sector in the Czech Republic.
  4. Conception of the Czech Rectors Conference Reform.
  5. Czech Republic Higher Education Institutions Budget 2008.
  6. Miscellaneous. Preparation of the Resolution of the 93rd CRC Plenum Meeting.
  7. Discussion on the Current Situation of the Czech Republic Higher Education with the Prime Minister.
  8. Resolution of the 93rd CRC Plenum Meeting. Conclusion.

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