CRC Presidium Videoconference. Prague, Pardubice, Brno, Olomouc, 23 March 2020.

23 March 2020 PDF


  1. Question of the way of HEIs academic senates meetings.
  2. Study fees.
  3. Entrance examinations dates.
  4. Length of the academic year.
  5. Form of the semester ending.
  6. Question of the form of the state final examination.
  7. Research evaluation – information of the CRC Vice-President for creative activities.
  8. Economic and non-economic activities – information of the CRC Vice-President for economic and social affairs.
  9. VAT – information of the CRC Vice-President for economic and social affairs.
  10. Czech Republic HEIs budget for 2021.
  11. Applications for the CRC membership.
  12. Setting the date and choosing the CRC representative to discuss necessary points with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
  13. Non-medical sanitary fields of study – information of the CRC Vice-President for legislative and organizational affairs.
  14. Next CRC Presidium videoconference date setting.

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