Meeting of the CRC Public and State Higher Education Institutions Rectors Chamber in Pilsen hosted by the University of West Bohemia.

2 June 2016
  • Programme:
  1. CRC Chamber A President and Vice-President Information.
  2. Subordinate Regulations Resulting from the Amendment to the Higher Education Institutions Act – CRC Comments and their Destiny.
  3. The Council of the National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education and the Appeal Committee of the National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education – State of Staffing.
  4. The Council for Research, Development and Innovation – Information from the Meeting in May 2016, in particular on the State of Negotiations of the Factual Intention of the Support of Research, Development and Innovation Act.
  5. Working Group of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports on the Preparation of the new Model of Funding of Higher Education Institutions – Information from the Meeting.
  6. Miscellaneous.

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