Meeting of the CRC Public and State Higher Education Institutions Rectors Chamber in Prague hosted by the Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague.
4 October 2019
- CRC Public and State Higher Education Institutions Rectors Chamber President Information.
- Preparation on the Discussion with the Deputy Ministers of the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports on Problems of Higher Education of the Czech Republic, focused on the Funding and Operational Programmes.
- Preparation on the Discussion with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Trade on the Applied Research at Higher Education Institutions of the Czech Republic.
- Discussion on the Content of Continuation of the so-called Bologna Process.
- The Issue of the Nomination of a New CRC Representative and Possible New Representatives of three Czech Higher Education Institutions (so far represented by Charles University, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Masaryk University) to the Czech Commission for UNESCO for the four-year term of office from 1.12.2019.
- Miscellaneous.
- Group Photo of both CRC Chambers.