
179th Czech Rectors Conference Plenum Meeting

Ústí nad Labem, 13 February 2025 PDF

Czech Rectors Conference (CRC) Plenum adopted at its 179th Meeting, CRC Annual Assembly, the following resolution:

  1. CRC was acquainted with the expected schedule and necessary steps in the establishment of the new National Accreditation Bureau for Tertiary Education (NAB). It calls on the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports to immediately specify the process of selection of members of the Board of NAB, given the professional coverage of education areas, and to coordinate this process.
  2. CRC welcomes the increase in the budget of public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) for the year 2025. In connection with the conditions of this year's budget, it requests the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) to specify the form of the conciliation procedure in case of underachievement of the target values. At the same time, it reminds of the necessity of a sustainable pro-growth budget for higher education in the medium- and long-term horizon.
  3. CRC asks the MEYS to present the variants of the realistic setting and provision of a financing system for the renewal and development of public HEIs infrastructures to ensure the educational, scientific and research and other creative activities after 2026, especially in connection with the expected decrease in subsidy resources from the ESF and ERDF funds for the Czech Republic.
  4. CRC expresses its will to participate in the formulation of theses of the new Higher Education Act in cooperation with the MEYS.
  5. CRC does not agree with the proposal of the Framework Education Programs for Basic Education (FEP BE), which presented the MEYS, nor with the procedure for its discussion. The draft FEP BE was not discussed with the CRC and the comments of the expert public or official opponents were not settled.
  6. CRC approved its Annual Report 2024, the financial review for 2024 and the budget for 2025.

Ústí nad Labem, 13 February 2025

On behalf of the Czech Rectors Conference

Prof. Milena Králíčková

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