176th CRC Plenum Meeting in Brno hosted by the University of Defence.

6 June 2024 PDF


  1. Opening of the 176th CRC Plenum Meeting.
  2. Information about the University of Defence.
  3. CRC President, Vice-Presidents and Secretary General Reports, CRC Chambers Presidents Reports, CRC Working Groups Guarantees Reports.
  4. Current Issues of Science, Research and Innovation of the Czech Republic – Discussion with the Deputy Ministers of Science, Research and Innovation.
  5. Current Issues of Higher Education of the Czech Republic – Discussion with the Chief Directors of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and with the President of the Higher Education Institutions Council.
  6. Current Information about the Cooperation between Higher Education Institutions of the Czech Republic and Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine.
  7. Anti-influence Issues in Relation to Higher Education Institutions of the Czech Republic – Discussion with the Employee of the Department of Research and Development of the MEYS.
  8. Information about the Scope of Work of the Newly Established CRC Working Group for Expert Work.
  9. Miscellaneous. Preparation of the 176th CRC Plenum Meeting Resolution.
  10. Resolution of the 176th CRC Plenum Meeting. Conclusion.
  11. Press Conference.

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